An investment in knowledge
always pays the best interest.
Benjamin Franklin
Most of the school going Dalit children were the first generation learners. That means both the parents were illiterates and unable to provide educational supports to their own children in the form of reading and helping the child to learn the lesson.
In some cases, there was no electricity also and the children were expected to learn every thing before sunsets. There may be one kerosene light which was not made available for the child to study. On the other hand, that particular light was made available for kitchen work.Candle is costly for them.
To learn English, there was no dictionary available.
In addition of these practical aspects, the quality of learning in schools is poor, and the Dalit children are often neglected, the classrooms are crowded. As they are unable to participate effectively in the learning process, the children find the school environment boring.
Then the role of POPE is to motivate the children and their parents, and organise evening tuition.
So, POPE provided the free tuition to the village Dalit children from 2001 at 10 centres. Each centre has a qualified Teacher who helps the children, to learn at the evening and at the day time they are working as Animators. Right now POPE has 60 centres.
Other educational support services are given in the following forms every year:
The advantages to follow evening tuitions are benefit to the children. They gain in motivation and confidence. They can read more fluently and resolve maths problems. During evening tuition they can also learn, poetry, songs, dances, civics. For few hours they are kept far from their house and the daily work. The parents have a burden less. It reduces the rate of drop out children and child labour.
What is encouraging POPE? The progress of the children and to see them enjoying to learn and met their friends.
The roots of education are bitter,
but the fruit is sweet.